Seoul, Korea, August 13, 2022 – (SEAPRWire) – KLT drawing attention with the automatic lubricator, Pulsarlube BT, announced that it would focus on expansion to overseas countries such as Poland, China, and Hungary in full swing.

To extend the life of machines, it is important to precisely manage the lubrication of bearing on a regular basis. However, managing a lubricator is difficult in working places or where various facilities are managed. To solve this kind of industrial environment issue, KLT developed Pulsarlube BT, the automatic lubricator, in 2018.
KLT’s Pulsarlube BT can monitor and control lubrication from the Bluetooth automatic lubricator (5 to 20m) without physical access to machines using the mobile app. It can be used conveniently in hard-to-reach working places or where there is a need to manage various facilities. Also, it can achieve the reduction of cost as well as convenience, safety, and manageability through the proactive maintenance solution of the facility.
Moreover, as a provider of comprehensive lubrication solutions, KLT has established an unrivaled foothold in the field of automated grease lubricators for the past 30 years and won a reputation in the world with its technology through strict quality control and continuous product development. In particular, using the patented cutting-edge technology, KLT provides the most innovative and reliable automated single-point lubricators in the market.
An official from KLT said, “Based on the years of research and development, we will research and develop to meet the customers’ needs, and provide various and excellent products with well-established distribution networks to become the global lubrication solution company satisfying customers worldwide.
Media Contact
Brand : Pulsarlube USA Inc.
Contact: Yang, Yun Jong
Telephone: +1 (847) 593-5300
SOURCE: Pulsarlube USA Inc.
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